Friday, July 27, 2007

Lost Lands 3 - Tartessos & Schera/Phaeacia

Ancient/traditional sources claim tartessos was beyond the Pillars of H, and that the river Guadalquivir/Baetis was prev called Tartessos river (2 mouthed [perhaps confluence/sources, island in]), and city Gades (or Carpia) prev called Tartessos.
The tribe name Turdetani in vicinity prob related. Berlitz says cyclopean ruins found at Niebla, Ronda and Huelva. (I read on some web/net forum that someone had found features in a swamp/marsh/bog that could match layout of Tartessos, but I lost the info.)
However, there is an intriguing if unlikely similarity with Tortosa near the mouth of the Ebro river (or Tarraconensis?), and perhaps king Arganthonius (&/or Gargoris) connected with name Aragon (or El-Argar)?
Alternative similar names: Tejo/Tagus, Tinto, Carteia, Tetouan, (Tardenois in sw France,) Zaragosa, etc.
Graves says Tartessos was west (cp Tartarus, Hesperides), and Salmydessus was east (cp Colchis), like Iranian Salm/Sayrima (Solymites/Sarmatians?) and Tur(ia); (there were Pillars of Hercules at west/Gibraltar and east/Dardanelles/Troy.)
The (not definately identified/located) ancient Hittite place name Tarhuntassa (Taurus, Tarsus?) is very similar to Tartessos.

Could the Schera/Phaeacia that Odyseus visited in the Odysey be Skara Brae (Orkneys)/Faroes (Fairy/Fay)?
Spanuth says Schera was: in Ocean, in North(?), at end/remotest, at mouth of great river.
Although unlikely perhaps the great river is the North/Baltic seas?
Alternative similar names might incld: sakkara, jerez (s spain), sicily, sir/serica/sherpa (china/tibet); basques, fezzan, phaistos, phasis (colchis), pict.
Evidence of egyptians/phoenicians (ships) in ancient Brit Isles eg