Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Josh, Dave, Solomon, etc

Seeming similarities between Amarna & united monarchy periods:
Tut's "ark", Hatshepsut's temple Deir el-Bahri, Aton/Adon, Akhenaten's hymn/psalm, "monotheism", Tut/David, Hatshepsut/[Bath-]Sheba, proverbs/Amenemopet (ca 19th dyn).

Similar names (between Amarna letters & united monarchy in bible) if not also contemporaneous/same natures/persons:
Abimilki - Abibalus;
Shalmaiati - Solomon;
Addudani/Addadani/Adadanu - Adonijah, [Araunah];
Vidia - David, [Uriah];
Biridia/Biridri - Benhadad;
Addaia - David, Jedidiah, Hadad/(Adados);
Dudu - Hadad, David????
Akizzi - Achish;
Aiab - Joab, Ahab;
Hiba/Hepa - Sheba, Ahab;
IapahAddi - Jephthah????;
Ebedtov - Toi/Tou, Tob, Zobah, Tabrimmon????;
Azaru/Aziru/Aziri - Hadadezer, Hazael;
Amelutgazmesh - Amalek, Agag, Gaza, Gath, Mesha, Moses;
Huriya - Uriah;

Habiru may not be Hebrews (cp Iberia?) but might be Cabiri of [Phoenician] (&/or compare (can't be) Habiri title of Hittite warriors)?

Some soucres say Ugarit was burned in reign of Akhenaten (Kolosimo). Other sources say Ugarit was burned in reign of Merneptah (Spanuth).
Now I know that there were quite a number of strata/layers &/or building phases over the time of Ugarit's existence, but I don't know if there were 2 burnt strata or only one? Need confirmation either way to rule out or not if Akhenaten and Merneptah connected?

The 3 (or "7" (Velikovsky)) yr famine of Amarna letters (18th dyn), &/or the famine/drought that came at end of Ugarit/Hittite just before foreign invaders [19th dyn/Sea Peoples or 18th dyn/Amarna] (J Lehman), may be the 3 yr famine of David (2 Sam 21:1; 24:13) [or famine of Ruth or Elijah/Elisha?]

(1.) old/orthodox chronology:
Abe - Ur 3/Larsa/Babylon 1/[Old Hittite];
Jose - Hyksos (15th/16th dyn);
Mose - 18th/19th dyn;
Josh - Amarna (18th dyn);
Shishak - Sheshonk (22nd dyn);
Necho - Neco (26th dyn);

(2.) Velikovsky's chronology:
Mose - Dudimose (13th dyn);
Judges - Hyksos (15th/16th dyn);
Saul - 15th/16th/18th dyns;
Solomon - Hatshepsut (18th dyn);
Shishak - Tuthmosis 3 (18th dyn);
Zerah - Amenhotep 2 (18th dyn);
divided monarchy - Amarna (18th dyn);
So - Sheshonk (22nd dyn);
Necho - Ramses 2 (19th dyn);

(3.) Rohl's/"new" chronology:
Jose - 12th dyn;
Mose - Sobekhotep (13th dyn);
Josh/Judges - 15th/16th dyn;
Saul - Amarna (18th dyn);
David - Amarna (18th dyn);
Shishak - Ramses 2 (19th dyn);

my tentative provisional possibilities:
Abe - 1st dyn;
Jacob - 2nd dyn;
Jose - 3rd/4th dyn;
Mose - 12th dyn;
Dave - 18th dyn?;
Solomon - 18th/19th dyn?;
Shishak - 19th dyn;

Nimrod ~ Aurignacian/Magdalenian
- (tall/strong, hunter, capelid/sumerian)
Abraham ~ Azilian
- (Beersheba)
Joseph ~ Lake Dwellings
- (Egyptian wheat/dried-up lake shores)
Moses ~ Megalithic
- (bedstead of Og of Bashan)

The closest possibility I have so far found for king C(h)(o)ushan-ris(h)at(h)a(y)im of Judges 3 is king S(h)u-shin of 3rd dyn of Ur (incld Akkad & Assyria), though rishathaim is perhaps similar to diblathaim (r/d intchge, sh/b cipher)? (Compare: Cush = Kur; Gozan (Gu-edin?/Gud-ana?). Perhaps risatayim relate to nasatya twins?)
(If Cushan-risathaim was an Assyrian then only close names other than Shu-shin are: [...]an [...], Erishu(m), Ashur-rim-nisheshu, Assu-ris-ilim (unverified), or Eriba-adad (b/sh cipher)?) (Compare Sheshonk?)

No direct mention is made of any Egyptian invasion/occupation of Israel/Palestine in Judges period.

Jerusalem (as opposed to Salem, cp New Jerusalem) is first so named (at latest) in David's time or (betw time of Abraham and) (before) Joshua/Judges. Mention of in ancient Egyptian 'Execration texts' of Mid Kdm Per/12th dyn, (and Amarna letters).

Could the great city Dur-ash conquered by Sargon be Jebus (Jeru-salem)? (Same sign reads either dur/dar, ip/eb, uras/urta; and Dur-ash is compared to [Dur-ilu/Dur-ili &/or] Dara-la (Eb-la).)

Sargon conquered Iarimuti which is Jarmuth of bk of Joshua, (cp Iarimuta of Amarna lets, (cp Yarmuk?)) .

Sumerian dynasties/cities (king list)/strata/periods/phases:

1.) Antediluvian lists (Waddell's ks #s 1-10):
(Anu 1) -> Eridu/Nunki -> Badtabira -> Larsa -> Badtabira -> Larak -> Sippar -> Shurupak* -> (Flood);

2a.) Isin list (Waddell's ks #s 1-37):
(Flood) -> (Anu 2) -> Kis 1* -> (Eanna);
2b.) Isin list (Waddell's ks #s 1-39):
Eanna/Uruk 1* -> Ur 1* -> Awan* -> Kis 2* -> Hamazi -> Uruk 2;

3.) ?:
Ur 2 -> Adab [1?] -> Mari;

4.) Kish list (Waddell's ks #s 1-46):
Kis 3 -> Akshak -> Kis 4 -> "Gap"* -> Uruk 3/Umma -> Agade -> Uruk 4 -> [Adab 2?] -> (Guti);

5.) (Waddell's ks #s 46-78):
Guti -> Lagas -> Uruk 5 -> Ur 3 -> Isin -> Larsa -> Babylon 1 -> Hittite -> Sealands -> Kassi 1;

6.) dyns/phases/strata:
Mid Bab -> Neo-Babylon -> Med -> Pers -> Macedon -> Antigonus -> Seleucid -> Parthian.